Photograph: Eureka Valley Dune Grass (Swallenia alexandrae)

January 26, 2025  |  Eureka Valley, California

The unique and elegant Eureka Valley Dune Grass (Swallenia alexandrae) in soft light on rippled Eureka Sand Dunes, Death Valley National Park. Some of these plants were recently harmed when someone illegally drove on the dunes.

Swallenia is a rare genus of plants in the grass family, found only in Death Valley National Park, with the only known species being Swallenia alexandrae, This is an especially rare endemic, found only on this isolated dune system, where its evolution may have taken place.

This is a federally listed endangered species whose main threat to survival has been off-roading. Despite the signage and abundant information, people (also known as Idiots) continue to break the law and threaten this species.