Journal (Articles)

My old journal/blog commenced in 2006 and was retired in early June 2021. Fifteen years worth of posts - articles, gear reviews, announcements, trip reports, photographs, environmental issues, and much more - can be found here. Please subscribe to my Journal to stay tuned (I recommend Feedly). Thank you for reading.

Published: ELEMENTS #34, Special Black & White Double Issue
December 15, 2023

It's an honor to have my article Strange Worlds and thirteen of my images appear in the December special double issue of Elements Landscape Photography Magazine, dedicated exclusively to Black & White photography...

Published: Nature Vision Magazine #2
October 2023

My article Perseverance and eight of my images appear in Issue #2 of Nature Vision Magazine

Published: Outdoor Photographer Magazine
November 2022

My article and images appear in the November 2022 Special Black + White Issue of Outdoor Photographer magazine

Elements Landscape Photography Magazine - Featured Interview
02 October 2022

It is an honor and thrill to have the cover image and featured interview in the October 2022 issue (#20) of Elements Landscape Photography Magazine.

On Juried Photo Competitions/Contests & Juried Exhibitions
20 August 2022

Make no mistake about it: most photographic competitions and exhibitions exist to grow the business and bank account of the host/sponsor(s). With few exceptions, they rarely exist as an altruistic enterprise for the advancement of photographer's careers...

Staying Alive
Summer 2022

It’s that time of year when the body count rises with ambient air temperature.

24 June 2021

"It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment" Ansel Adams

If you’ve followed my photographs and words long enough, you’ve seen and heard me speak about the California desert and renewable or “green” energy, and perhaps not necessarily in the friendliest of fashions...

Published: Elements Landscape Photography Magazine #4
22 June 2021

My article Home along with nine of my photographs appears in the June 2021 issue of Elements Landscape Photography Magazine. It's an honor to share the pages with photographic luminaries such as Bruce Barnbaum, Nick Brandt, Michael Frye, and Christopher Burkett...

You are visiting the Journal of fine art landscape photographer Michael E. Gordon. Please follow the navigation links at the top of this page for additional photographs and information. The old blog (2006-2020) has been retired but is archived and all articles remain available for reading. You can also find Michael on Facebook and Instagram.