How to Follow This Journal and Receive Automatic Updates with New Content

January 29, 2025

As you may have read in this journal or in a recent Facebook post, I am slowly exiting the use of social media. The big social sites belong to democracy-busting oligarchs who no longer want to be in the business of providing factual information. Accordingly, I no longer want to participate in the business of providing them with free content.

So please join me here on my Journal, where we can enjoy real photographs and real conversation together, unfettered by AI trash and nowhere political fighting. Social media was once quasi-interesting, but it's been since reduced to "alternate facts" and rage clicking. Say NO MORE with me!

So how can you follow this Journal? I recommend using the free Feedly, which is an easy way to bookmark and follow blogs you find interesting. Feedly is an easy-to-use news aggregator application for web browsers and mobile devices running iOS and Android.

Once you've downloaded Feedly, here's how to Follow my Journal (text format, with video at bottom):

For those who prefer learning by video, I found this one useful:

"The experience of visiting and photographing rock art sites can be intensely private and deeply moving. Since they are often found in distant or infrequently visited areas, the search for rock art can often resemble an active pilgrimage or ascetic retreat." Keith Davis (Marks in Place)

Posted in How To, News.